(Theory and Related Theory Class, 100 hours)
1. General Theory, including Kentucky Cosmetology Law and Rules and Regulations adopted thereunder.
2. Clinical Theory
3. Lecturing Theory
Clinical and Related Theory class (Practice on students or mannequins, 200 hours)
1. Cold Waves
2. Facials and Make-up
3. Complete 'S' Formations or Complete Finger waves
4. Pin-curl Technique
5. Hair-shaping
6. Hair-styling Techniques
7. Lash and Brow Tint
8. Eyebrow Arches
9. Manicuring
10. Scalp Treatments
11. Shampooing
12. Hair Coloring, Bleaching and Rinsing (mixing and formulas)
13. Heat Permanent
14. Safety Measures
(Theory and Related Theory Class, 500 hours), Professional Practices, Life Sciences (General Anatomy), Physical Sciences (Chemistry and Treatment), Hair Designing, Safety Measures, Kentucky Cosmetology Law and Rules and Regulations adopted thereunder.
1. Hair Conditioning Treatments
2. Scalp Treatments
3. Hair Shaping
4. Shampoos
5. Cold Waves
6. Chemical Hair Relaxing (Permanent Wave)
7. Complete 'S' Formation and Finger waves
8. Pin-curl Techniques
9. Hairstyles
10. Iron Curling
11. Hair coloring and Toning
12. Bleaches and Frostings
13. Facials and Make-up
14. Manicuring
15. Lash and Brow Tints
16. Eyebrow Arches
17. Color Rinses (Certified Color)
18. Wiggery
19. Professional Ethics and Good Grooming
20. Salesmanship
21. Reception Desk and Telephone Answering
22. Record keeping
23. Dispensary (procedures for ordering supplies and retail merchandise)
24. Personality Development
25. Salon Management
26. Public Relations
The grade scale is as follows:
94-100 -- A
86-93 -- B
78-85 -- C
70-77 -- D
< 70 -- Failure
It is the policy of the school for each student to attend regularly and be on time for their classes. If any student cuts class, is tardy, doesn't attend, shows lack of interest or is absent more than two days per month without an excused absence (doctor's excuse), they will be considered on probation and in danger of being dropped from this school.
Students will be dismissed from this school for:
1. Trouble-making
2. Rule violations
3. Law violations
4. Irregular attendance
5. Gossiping
6. Insubordination
7. Use of drugs or alcohol during school hours or being under the influence of drugs or alcohol during school hours.
* We do not discriminate because of race, creed, color or nationality.